Friday, April 23, 2010


Last light I dropped my phone for the first time :( And the outer housing cracked, lodging the power button under it. I call t-mobile today they said to call ASURION that they had to replace it because I have insurance and I just got the phone last weekend. Now the phone randomly shuts off sometimes.

Well $130 deductible... plus the $220 dollars that I had to pay to get the phone equals $350 dollars.

And the reviews I read about ASURION are nuts. I'm not gonna pay this much money and possibly get a refurb... I want a brand new phone that's why I got insurance this time.

I might be trasfering to Verison because I was an Android phone with a full key board and the DROID is calling me.

I love my G1's and I don't want to get rid of my t-mobile but I won't be trusting a company that has so many horrible reviews, or expects such steep deductibles.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

G1 Aquired!!!

I finally was able to get a new G1! It's brown, one of the last three this store had! And I got insurance for it! I have already ordered cases and they are really cute.

I really wanted this one!

But I was able to get three other cases for the price of 1.5 of these!

We are going to BBQ in a few hours and maybe start a fire, in our yard!!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

WTF T-mobile

WHAT THE FUCK T-Mobile!!!!

I just want to buy another G1! But will it show up when I'm logged on to my account?
NO NO NO NO it fucking won't!
But it will show up when I am not logged into my account.

I don't want a Clique, or a Blur, or a My Touch, or even an HTC HD2.... I want another G1 or two.
My was perfect until it fell into a cup of tea.... and I had to let the pieces dry out and scrape sugar out of it with a trim knife from work. Now months later it will randomly lose signal and the menu button on the face won't work, it won't read the SIM card or the SD card sometimes...

I need a new G1!!!

For the love of god and all that is holy!!!


So we have the van stuff all figured out!

Road trip!

And the Blog is taking off!

If you would like to win a great T-Shirt that I will be designing you should go enter the contest over at!

I'm going to be planting my 25 strawberry plants today! And this is going to be hard work!
But the rewards will be amazing!

You guys should check out this web radio show it is all about the Greek Gods and Goddesses! You can also subscribe to their you tubes!

Friday, April 2, 2010


We bought a van from another state.... and we have to get all of these special inspections before we can get the title changed over. And pay the state like 10% of the value of the vehicle.

This type of van has a issue with the Gauge Control Panel. They didn't solder the connections good so the control panel just stops working... no speedometer no gas gauge no nothing :(

So we can't afford to have the panel pulled out and re-soldered and I'm pretty sure it WON'T pass inspection...

So we kinda have a huge paper weight. It runs great though!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chainmaille is heavy to fight in

It is really hard to fight in Chainmaille. Especially when you have been fighting for what seems like forever. It is heavy and splattered in blood, sweat and mud. But I like to sing the original Power Ranger theme song while I fight and that takes my mind of of the gore a bit. "Go go Power do do dodo... GO GO Power Ranger... dun dun du dun..."

When I first heard we were being attacked I decided I'd maille up just in case, and that any practice fighting in it will be good even if it isn't against zombies. BUT then there were zombies

I have managed to turn one of my rifles into a bayonet :D Now I just need to teach my self to duel wield them! But that will have to wait for this to be over. My short break is pretty much over... Back in to the depths I go.

Have you ever had to "Forest Gump" someone out of battle?
Trust me it isn't as cool as it sounds...