Monday, March 29, 2010

Yeah That was fiction

My last post was an entry into my "Zombie Blog". Recently my husband started a Zombie Blog at and it is really interesting so I figured I would start adding my own here on my blog ^_^ When my entry is for the "Zombie Blog" the color will be in red and it will be linked to his blog...
W0ot, for fictional universes!!!!

My ferrets keep trying to hump each other... and that is how I know that spring is in the air :D

Work blows right now, the suits keep trying to micro manage by appointing people who couldn't care less whether or not things run smoothly. And seem to ignore incompetence and reward ignorance and stupidity with promotions and ... well the honor of staying employed ^_^ Some days it seems like the more dunnages you can lean against or the more smoke breaks you take the more money they will pay you especially if you can't touch your own toes. Bosses ignore the rules when they are inconvenient for them. But I guess it is like that at every job.... but, I don't know, maybe I'm just a stickler for quality and giving my job 100%. I love mastering my task and totally powning it!

Well at least it seems like they are starting to get rid of some of the rift raft... You know the type. The ones who show a little bit of post baby cleavage and "get away with murder". The one's who walk around on their cell phone out on the floor, text messaging supervisors for what, to all of the world, looks like sexual propositions. Send the customers horribly bad parts, walk around with their ass cheeks hanging out of their short pants.... The one's who seem to only keep their jobs because of the really worn out pair of knee pads that they keep in their locker. Well, I think they are firing one of those... and this can only mean good things.

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